Supporting you to

deliver Your Mandate
with Integrity

Many organisations, especially the non-profit organisations have a lot of good visions and mission statements. However, most struggle in management and compliance.

Governance is not especially spoken about within the non-profit/charity sector, yet it is highly essential to the running of the organisation.

What we offer


  • Training designed to include all aspects of charity management and leadership. It will give an understanding on how and why to run the organization effectively and not run foul of the legal requirements.
  • Training will include (depending on the chosen session)
    • The roles and responsibilities of trustees
    • Policies
    • The Charities Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP)
    • Building an Honest Open Transparent (HOT) Team
    • Complying with legal requirements
    • and a lot more


  • With regulations/guidelines always changing especially in this period of COVID 19, the consultancy services will aid in understanding the workings of your organisation and your current system, help you identify gaps and provide you with recommendations.
    • This will enforce control and ensure compliance (eg observing charity commission regulations, maintaining high standard, developing & maintaining best practices of good governance)
    • This is to provide a bespoken governance support to the charities.
    • Help in devising, designing, and updating policies and systems.
    • Support in building a strong and effective financial system
    • and a lot more


  • Promote discussions among the leaders within the same organisation, organisations and their various stakeholders, leaders of different organisations with common goals.
  • The purpose of the facilitation
    • Through brainstorming exercise, participants are empowered to have open and honest discussion regarding various topics affecting the intended organisation.
    • The discussion can include affected policies, financial accountability, governance
    • and a lot more

Fund raising

  • Sourcing for funds for the various social enterprises
  • Funds/grants for charities projects
  • and a lot more

Formation and Registration

  • Charities
  • Community groups
  • Companies
  • Associations
  • and a lot more

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